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General Policies (All Members)




The Navigators Homeschool Cooperative is a Christ-centered co-op which exists to disciple our children, encourage parents, serve our community and reach out to other homeschooling families.


The Navigators Homeschool Cooperative was established to provide opportunities for families to come together to enrich their students' learning experiences with elective classes, field trips, play dates and holiday celebrations.  

The Navigators Homeschool Cooperative desires to encourage homeschooling parents by connecting moms with like-minded sojourners as they “navigate” their ways through this educational and discipleship journey.  

The Navigators Homeschool Cooperative will work together as one (of many) representations of the Body of Christ as we serve our surrounding community through projects that emphasize selflessness and provide opportunities for parents and children to use their gifts and talents to serve others.  

The Navigators Homeschool Cooperative will reach out to other homeschool families by welcoming them into an encouraging environment where Christ is center and they are loved and encouraged for who they are and the gifts they have been given.

“So that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Colossians 2:2-3


Our families come from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, church school coverings, and homeschool styles. However, as a Christian ministry, we base our guidelines on precepts from the Bible, all classes are taught from a Christian worldview, and each class day begins with prayer. (See STATEMENT OF FAITH.)

There are multiple campuses for Navigators. The campuses work independently while also acting as one large group for social events. Academic members are entitled to attend all social events regardless of which campus the member attends, as long as any criteria for the activities (such as age) are met.

All families should read the policy thoroughly before joining Navigators Homeschool Cooperative and before starting each subsequent semester. 


God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days and ascended to heaven as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and he will return to take us to heaven with Him. Salvation is found in no one else.

The Holy Spirit is one with the Father and the Son of God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation and provides the Christian with power for living, understanding spiritual truths, and guidance in doing what is right.

The Bible is God’s Word to us. It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living. Because it is inspired by God, it is the truth without any form of error. The Bible is our sole authority.

Your signature on the enrollment form indicates that you and your family have read, understand and will abide by this Statement of Faith and neither you nor your family will contradict, hinder, or oppose these teachings in any way during any activity or via any media affiliated with this group.

References: Genesis 1:1, 26,27; 3:22; Psalm 12:6; Psalm 119:105,160; Proverbs 30:5; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:22-23; Matthew 28:19, John 1:1-5, 14:10—30; John 16:7-13, 14:16-17; Acts 1:8-11, 4:8-12’ Romans 1:3—4; I Corinthians 2:12, 3:16,12:4-6, 12-13, 15:3-4; 2 Corinthians 3:17, 13:14; Galatians 5:25; Ephesians 1:13, 5:18; I Timothy 6:14-15; 2 Timothy 1:13, 16; 3:16; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 4:14-15; I Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 1:20-21


Members may choose to participate in either the academic track or social track each semester. New member enrollment for social and academic tracks open each semester. Enrollment dates vary by semester and will be posted on our public Facebook page as well as our website.

Privileges of the social track include all activities aside from academic classes. These may include, but are not limited to field trips, service opportunities, playdates, holiday parties, dances, graduations, family events, and mom events. Social members are encouraged to plan events and be actively involved with the group. 

Privileges of the Academic track include all events listed above, as well as classes at one of the campus locations. The member may choose any of our campuses, but may not change campuses during the semester.


Navigators Homeschool Cooperative, their members, their administrators, and any host facility utilized for classes or other activities assume no liability and make no assumptions of risk for anyone attending Navigators function. Parents are directly responsible for their children's education and actions. Any damage or injuries incurred by a student or family member is the responsibility of the parent whether it is an accident or not. Immediately notify a member of the Leadership Team if something belonging to the church or other facility is broken. Compensation for injury or damage, deliberate or accidental, shall be borne entirely by the responsible family. Your signature notes your agreement to this effect.

If you register for any sport classes or activities, you will not hold Navigators Homeschool Cooperative, nor the facility, nor the teacher or other leader(s) liable for any injuries incurred while participating in a class or activity. The same liability waiver includes, but is not limited to, classes or activities that involve tools, cooking, electricity, or hands-on involvement, such as car repair, science experiments, etc.

Neither Navigators, nor any facility Navigators uses will be held responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or forgotten belongings.

The Executive Leadership Team reserves the right to change policies and procedures without notice.


Navigators Homeschool Co-op is independent of the operation of our host churches. Members should not contact any host church regarding co-op matters. Please direct inquiries to our Leadership Team.

Our website (thenavigators.info) is our primary form of communicating for academic and social schedules, so please check it regularly. We also use a private Facebook group to stay in touch, as well as reminders, support, prayer requests, etc. If you are not in this Facebook group, please see a member of Leadership. Each campus may choose to utilize additional forms of communication at their discretion. 


Students and parents should conduct themselves to reflect the virtues of Christ while at ANY Navigators function. Good behavior, respect for others, respect for authority, and respect for any building or location we utilize is expected. Parents are responsible for their children at all times, so it is your responsibility to handle any misbehavior.

Some basic guidelines for behavior include:

  • Be punctual.

  • Honor your commitments. Academic members, you and your children should be at all classes each week.

  • Be respectful of all facilities or locations we utilize.

  • Be respectful of all teachers, tour guides, or other persons in charge. 

  • Be respectful to all members and all Navigators leadership. 

  • Treat others with honor, respect, and courtesy. 

  • No bullying type of behavior will be tolerated. This includes... 

    • physical violence of any kind (kicking, biting, hitting, pushing, etc.)

    • verbal harassment (derogatory comments, jokes, or slurs)

    • written harassment (derogatory or offensive posters, cartoons, graffiti, drawing, or gestures) 

    • intentional exclusion of a student, group of people, family, etc. 

  • Swearing and the use of other inappropriate language is prohibited. If you wouldn't say it in front of Jesus, you shouldn't say it at Navigators.

  • All clothing choices should be according to the guidelines set forth in DRESS CODE.

  • Boy-girl relationships among students are to be kept platonic in nature while attending Navigators activities.

Parents are responsible for their own children at all Navigator sponsored events - classes, field trips, etc. If a behavior offense occurs during a Navigators function, the host(ess) or other adult member should notify the student’s parent so they may work it out according to their family’s rules.


Navigators is a Christ-centered cooperative that seeks to operate with convictions that reflect Biblical truth regardless of cultural circumstances. We believe that every person must be shown compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. Any hateful or harassing behaviors or attitudes directed towards any person are not in line with Scripture nor our Statement of Faith and, as such, will not be tolerated.

We believe that all human beings were created in and continue to bear God's image (Gen 1:27). God created and defined only two genders- male and female, each with distinctly different biological and physical traits. These traits complement each other and work together to reflect the nature of God. Because all people are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14) in our Creator's image, we feel that these differences should be celebrated. To this end, the following policies will be adhered to in Navigators without exception. 

  • All members and guests of Navigators will be identified by their God given biological gender. 

  • All members and guests of Navigators will be referred to only by their legal name, middle name, or appropriate nickname. Examples of appropriate nicknames may be shortened versions of legal names, middle names, or initials. (Example- A boy named Andrew James may choose to go by Andrew, Andy, Drew, James, or AJ.)

  • The use of traditional he/she pronouns and courtesy titles (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Sir, Ma'am, etc) will be used according to biological gender. Alternative pronouns are not permitted.

  • All members and guests attending classes and social activities will be required to dress according to their gender. At no time will cross-dressing be permitted in attire or cosmetics. Please see DRESS CODE for specific requirements. 

  • Men's restrooms and changing rooms will be available only to biological males. Women's restrooms and changing rooms will be available only to biological females. (Boys aged 5 or younger may be in the women's restroom only when accompanied by their mother or female teacher.) 


“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

We believe that appearance and conduct should reflect Biblical standards.  As in every area of our lives, we desire the way we dress to honor the Lord, so please choose clothing from a spiritual point of view. Parents and students should wear appropriate, modest clothing in accordance with their biological sex from birth. If in doubt, choose something else. 

To standardize what is considered appropriate, both parents and students need to adhere to the following dress code:

  • Clothing must not have graphics, profanity, sexual innuendo, or words or images that are contrary to the Bible.

  • Underwear and bras should not be exposed (no sagging or see-through clothing).

  • Skirts, dresses, and shorts must extend beyond the fingertips when the student extends arms downward along the sides or reach the mid-thigh, whichever is longer

  • Tops should not show any cleavage or midriff.

  • Cosmetics, if worn, must be event and gender appropriate.

  • For water events, men and boys should wear swim trunks (no Speedos). Women and girls should wear conservative bathing suits which cover their cleavage and torso (no bikinis).


Usage of any member information from our private directory or our private social media groups for the purpose of solicitation is a violation of privacy and is strictly prohibited. Navigators does have a private Buy/Sell/Giveaway Facebook page for member use. Please refer to guidelines on that page prior to making posts.


“Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31).

If you or your children are sick or recovering from an illness, or other issues that are contagious, please do not attend Navigators classes or events until completely cured. We do not want to be a source of illness for any family, so please use good judgment. If in doubt, err on the side of caution, stay home and inform the Substitute Coordinator or Event Hostess.

If you or your children exhibit any the following, then do not attend Navigators classes or events:

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees or greater within 24 hours of co-op class or event.

  • Fever of 99 degrees or greater, when accompanied by any other symptoms or known recent exposure to illness,  within 24 hours of co-op class or event.

  • Vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea within 48 hours of co-op or event.*

  • Nasal congestion, yellow or green nasal discharge, or excessive clear nasal discharge that is heavy enough to require frequent wiping.

  • Cold symptoms with sore throat or persistent coughing or sneezing.

  • Streptococcal infection, until 48 hours after medication has been initiated.

  • Infected skin or eyes or undiagnosed rash, including but not limited to conjunctivitis, poison ivy, Fifth Disease, chickenpox, etc., until the prescribed drops, cream or treatment are completed, or incubation period recommended by doctor has passed.

  • Cold sores (fever blisters) on children ages 0 through 7, until lesions are scabbed. 

  • Acting lethargic, listless, or irritable.

  • Other contagious symptoms, including but not limited to lice, ringworm, etc.

  • If one member of your family is sick, ALL members of your family must stay home. You should not participate, nor will you be permitted to send your well children with another adult. This will help reduce the spread of ALL illnesses (Covid-19, stomach bugs, flu, lice, etc).

*In the event of an outbreak a campus may choose to extend the typical 48 hour time frame to 72 hours. This is at the discretion of Executive Leadership. 


We aim to keep co-op affordable. Navigators is a non-profit organization and as such, all money received by Navigators is used for the ministry of Navigators. Navigators has no paid employees. Navigators Leadership does not receive compensation.

  1. Membership fees cover facility tithes, insurance, cleaning supplies, holiday party supplies, outreach materials, administration expenses, discipleship materials, and other general expenses. Academic class fees pay for supplies only and go directly to each teacher.

  2. Class fees are determined by each teacher, per semester, to pay for specific supplies for his/her class. This may include specialty items, paints, tools, kits, and equipment. 

    1. Member Teachers should only charge fees that cover the actual costs of material and supplies.

    2. Member Teachers should not be making a profit on any class. We understand that your cost may be an estimate but please be as fair as possible.

    3. Member Teachers may be asked to validate their fees and may be asked to explain why they are charging a specific fee. 

  3. Social events fees are to be determined by the hostess and company. Your payment is your registration. Each event will have its own specific guidelines and deadlines. There are NO REFUNDS for social events unless the event is canceled. If you pay for an event and cannot attend, please contact the host(ess). If there is another member who can take your place (with host's permission), they will need to pay you directly for any costs.

We do not refund field trips or other events, especially those that require a minimum number of attendees, unless canceled by Navigators or the venue. There are no refunds on fees paid to Navigators with the following exceptions…

  1. Membership Fees will only be refunded in extreme situations and will be reviewed by Executive Leadership on a case by case basis. 

  2. Class fees will only be refunded if there is an unforeseen relocation or medical emergency that prevents your family from participating before class fees have been dispersed to teachers.

  3. Field Trips, Events, and Activities will not be refunded unless the event is canceled. If you pay for an event and cannot attend, please contact the event host. There may be a waiting list for the event or the event host may choose to allow you to offer your spot to another member and have the member pay you directly for any costs. Tickets for dances are not transferable to others.

Effective Sept 1st, 2023, any fees paid will be refunded less than the 3% fee. For example, if you paid $10.35 for an event, you will only be refunded the $10.


“If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector” (Matthew 18:15-17).

Please help us deal with inevitable personality conflicts and misunderstandings in a proactive, Christian way. If a conflict arises between any combination of parents and children, parents should pray first and then try to resolve the issue together following Matthew 18:15-17 (see above).

Try to resolve the issue between the students and/or parents with one another. Seek a resolution to the issue that is Christ-like.

If a one-on-one approach is unsuccessful, please involve another adult - one who may have witnessed the incident, or an adult whom you both trust.

If a parent or child will not cooperate to resolve the situation, or if a resolution cannot be met, the parties may then need to seek the Leadership Team's assistance for mediation.

In cases of inappropriate behavior by a student of any age, these steps will be taken:

  • For the first offense, the teacher, aide or adult in charge will give the student a verbal warning.

  • For the second offense, the student will be escorted to his/her parent and allow the parent and child to work it out alone according to their family's rules. The teacher will inform a member of the Leadership Team by that afternoon of the circumstances involved. The student may return to class after proper apology, restitution, and resolution to reform are made.

  • If the inappropriate behavior continues for a third time, the teacher will repeat the second step, and the student will remain with their parent(s) and not be permitted to return to class. The teacher must notify the Leadership Team before the end of co-op that day. Leadership will communicate with the parents and student, in an effort to address the issue.

If behavior problems persist, the student may not be allowed to return to classes (expelled). It is not the responsibility of the teacher, Leadership Team, or co-op to make accommodations for the suspended or expelled student, or the parent’s responsibilities during the co-op day.

The Leadership Team reserves the right to refuse future enrollment in classes or co-op entirely to a student who has been suspended or expelled, created disruptions, or exhibited inappropriate behavior (physical violence, the threat of physical violence, sexual harassment, destruction of property, or other major violation of Navigators policy).

Navigators reserves the right to deny or terminate membership for any cause deemed to disagree with the purpose of the association or for irresolvable breaches in the Standards of Conduct.