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Academic Policies & Procedures




“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12:4-5).

  1. By enrolling in the academic track, you are committing to co-op for the entire day, for the entire co-op semester. Our academic schedule is made available well in advance (usually months in advance) so that families may plan accordingly. Please refrain from scheduling appointments and vacations during times that will conflict with co-op.

  2. Leaving early will only be allowed for legitimate causes (see below) and must be approved by leadership.

  3. Please be punctual each week for your designated arrival time.

  4. Your attendance and punctuality are crucial for the success of this co-op. When even one parent is late, absent, leaves early without approval, or drops out then another member loses their break period to cover the void. 

  5. If you must miss class for any reason, please inform your aide and the Substitute Coordinator immediately.

  6. If a family member, such as a dad or grandparent, brings your children to co-op they are required to take your place in all classes and duties (set-up/clean-up). If you are a teacher, your stand-in will act as the aide to the class, and your normal aide may serve as the teacher - unless your stand-in is comfortable teaching your class. It is your responsibility to get all teaching materials and supplies to your aide.

Any member who is absent, tardy, or leaves early 3 or more times in a semester WITH OR WITHOUT LEGITIMATE CAUSE may be restricted from registration in future semesters. (Examples of legitimate causes are sickness, surgery, or a death in the family. Examples of illegitimate causes are vacations, other social plans, or being tired/ busy.) The Leadership Team reserves the right to refuse enrollment to a family with a record of excessive absences or tardies in the previous semester(s).


** As soon as you know that you will be absent, immediately contact the Substitute Coordinator for your campus directly via text (phone number will be provided). A Facebook post or message is not an acceptable form of notification. **

All parents on break will be available to substitute and will be assigned substitute assignments as needed by the Substitute Coordinator. Floaters and non-teachers will be utilized first and then teachers as necessary.

Teachers should inform their aides if they will be absent and provide them with necessary material so they can teach the class in their absence.

If you are ever the only adult in a class, please notify a member of leadership immediately so that an aide may be assigned. You can do this by notifying a member of leadership or the assigned security person. An aide will be sent to you promptly.

If you must leave co-op in an emergency, you may ask another parent to be responsible for your children. If so, please tell a member of Leadership and your children who will be responsible for them.


A teacher is considered a Guest Teacher if they meet the following criteria:

  • They have no child(ren) that are members of the academic track.

  • They may have no child(ren) on campus during classes.

  • They may charge fees that provide a profit.

As with other classes, if the enrollment minimum is not met the class is subject to cancellation and any fees paid will be refunded in full(minus the 3% fee).


Academic classes are spaced over a 10-14 week duration, typically taking place from 9am-1:30pm. The semester schedule will be announced in advance and placed on the website calendar so that families may plan accordingly. 

All classes at Navigators are taught from a Christian worldview and vary each semester based on the availability of teachers and student interest. Each child will need to bring basic supplies based on their specific classes. This may include, but is not limited to, pencils, notebooks, crayons, markers, colored pencils, scissors. 

Classes have a minimum student requirement of 5 students. Schedules are subject to change, and classes without a minimum number of students may be canceled. Students in any canceled class will be moved at the discretion of the Leadership Team to another class for the same period, however, the team will consult parents.

The Leadership Team has the right to monitor, cancel or censor any class, but neither the Leadership Team nor the Church will be held responsible for content taught. Members of the Leadership Team may sit in on classes at any time without notice. Parents may also sit in on their children’s class if they are on break that block, if space permits and they do not disrupt the class. If you have any questions or concerns about a class, please talk with the teacher. As a courtesy, please keep the Leadership Team informed.

If you find that your child has a major, irreconcilable issue with a class after final registration, speak with someone from Leadership. Class changes are strongly discouraged and will only be permitted in the case of a major conflict and at the availability of the receiving class. A refund will not be given for the first class, and fees for the new class will be due and payable before attending.


Campus leadership must pre-approve any visitors (adults and/or children) for any specific co-op day. If you know of any visitors you would like to bring, please contact your leadership team with your request as soon as possible. This is for liability purposes as well as making sure there is enough material for any extra students to use in the classes they visit. You may be required to provide or pay for these materials.


Since all of our campuses are located on the property of different churches, we ask that you please do NOT bring any animals and/or pets to co-op without prior approval of your campus leadership. At no time are animals allowed INSIDE the church buildings without the expressed permission from the churches who host us.


“Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

  1. Arrive early and be seated in the assigned room by the appropriate time.

  2. Name tags should be worn during co-op hours unless otherwise directed by a teacher.

  3. Participate willingly and bring all required materials to each class.

  4. Complete all homework assignments and submit them at the time specified by the teacher.

  5. Attend all classes for which you are registered. Skipping class or attending a class you are not registered for is prohibited.

  6. Your teacher is the authority in your classroom. Always honor and treat your teacher with respect, courtesy, attentiveness, and obedience. Stay with your class during class time. Do not leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission. 

  7. No distracting objects (cell phones, electronics, toys, etc.) are allowed in classrooms. 

  8. Treat classmates with honor, respect, and courtesy. No bullying type of behavior will be tolerated. This includes... 

  1. physical violence of any kind (kicking, biting, hitting, pushing, etc.)

  2. verbal harassment (derogatory comments, jokes, or slurs)

  3. written harassment (derogatory or offensive posters, cartoons, graffiti, drawing, or gestures) 

  4. intentional exclusion of a student.

  1. Swearing, and the use of other inappropriate language is prohibited. If you wouldn't say it in front of Jesus, you shouldn't say it at Navigators.

  2. All clothing choices should be according to the guidelines set forth in DRESS CODE.

  3. Help keep the campus clean and free of trash.

  4. Use an “inside” voice inside the building. Running and horseplay are not allowed inside the building unless it is directed by a teacher as part of a class.

  5. Immediately notify your parent or teacher if something is damaged in the facility.

  6. No eating or drinking during class unless it is a part of the class. To prevent spills and pest infestation, food is confined to the kitchen or outside. Please clean up after yourself.

  7. Boy-girl relationships among students are to be kept platonic in nature while attending co-op classes or other Navigators activities.         


“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it” (Hebrews 12:11).

Students and parents should conduct themselves to reflect the virtues of Christ while at any Navigators class or function. Good behavior, respect for authority, and respect for any building or location we utilize is expected. Parents are responsible for their children at all times, so it is ultimately the parents’ responsibility to handle any misbehavior.  As students are not always under the direct supervision of their parents, the following procedures will be followed by each teacher and/or helper.

  1. For the first offense, the teacher or aide will give the student a verbal warning.

  2. For the second offense, the teacher or aide will escort the student to his/her parent and allow the parent and child to work it out alone according to their family's rules. The teacher will inform a member of the Leadership Team by that afternoon of the circumstances involved. The student may return to class after proper apology, restitution, and resolution to reform are made.

  3. If the inappropriate behavior continues for a third time, the teacher will repeat the second step. However, the student will remain with their parent and will not be permitted to return to that class that day. The teacher must notify the Leadership Team before the end of co-op that day. Leadership will communicate with the parents and the student in an effort to address the issue.

  4. If behavior problems persist, the student may not be allowed to return for classes. Parents will be responsible to make all arrangements for this child’s care during remaining co-op sessions AND continue to fulfill personal obligations to serve within the group.  It is not the responsibility of the teacher, Leadership Team, or co-op to make accommodations for the suspended/expelled student, or the parent’s responsibilities during the co-op day.

In the event that the behavioral offense occurs during a Navigators function outside of a classroom setting, the host(ess) or other adult member should notify the student’s parents so they may work it out according to their family’s rules. If the behavior includes physical violence, the threat of physical violence, sexual harassment, destruction of property, or other major violation of Navigators policy then the matter should be promptly reported to the Leadership Team.

The Leadership Team reserves the right to refuse future enrollment in classes or co-op entirely to a student who has been suspended or expelled, created disruptions, or exhibited inappropriate behavior.


  1. Name tags should be worn during co-op hours.

  2. All parents and students will participate in Assembly. Assembly is one of the most important parts of the day! It’s a wonderful time to come together as an entire group, take a few minutes to study God’s Word, make announcements, and encourage parents and students. Please attend assembly and encourage children to be attentive and respectful to the speaker(s).

  3. By registering, parents agree to serve at co-op for the entire semester.

  4. You must stay on campus for the ENTIRETY of the co-op day.

  5. Respect church property as a house of worship and use only items and areas sanctioned for our use.

  6. Label personal possessions. Neither Faith Family Fellowship, nor First Baptist Church of Bay Minette, nor First Baptist Fairhope, nor Navigators co-op will be held responsible for lost, stolen, damaged, or forgotten belongings.

  7. We do not believe in banning cell phones, however set a good example and be considerate by muting sound, activating voice mail, and returning calls or texts between classes or during your off block.

  8. To prevent spills and pest infestation, food is confined to the lunch areas and parents' lounge, unless part of a class function.

  9. All parents are responsible to enforce co-op rules, monitor hallways, and correct any child in a loving manner.

  10. Attend all classes for which you are registered. 

  11. Help keep the campus clean and free of trash.

  12. Immediately notify the appropriate person if something is damaged in the facility (teacher, parent, leadership).

  13. Keep the restroom neat.

  14. We are a cooperative, therefore everyone is encouraged to plan and/host field trips and  activities. It is not strictly leadership’s job. Please remember, while we are separated by campuses, we are one group. Plan with the entire group in mind.


  1. Teachers should be prepared and ready to teach.

  2. Please clearly communicate your expectations and adhere to your course description. If you must change your course significantly from your course description, you must notify Leadership and students’ parents.

  3. If you experience any discipline issues in your class, please communicate any issues directly with the parent no later than after the second incident. By informing the parent directly, you are giving them the opportunity to parent/discipline their child.  

  4. If you know in advance that you will be absent, after notifying the Substitute Coordinator, please provide your aide with the necessary information/material to teach in your absence. 

  5. If you know in advance that you will be absent, your spouse or immediate family member may act as your stand-in. Please notify the Substitute Coordinator.

  6. Remove all your co-op teaching materials from the classrooms so they will not be in the way of church members on Sunday morning. All rooms should be returned to their original order at the conclusion of the co-op day. (Sunday School Ready)


Aides are as important to the success of a class as the teacher. As such, aides are expected to:

  1. Take attendance within the first 5 minutes of class. (See "ATTENDANCE TAKING PROCEDURE")

  2. Help the teacher gather supplies, implement lessons, and handle discipline.

  3. Participate actively in class; avoid side conversations, cell phones, etc.

  4. Assist students who need extra help.

  5. Help the teacher keep track of time so students will not be late to their next class.

  6. Escort young children to the bathroom.

  7. Assist children who are 8 years of age or younger transition to their next class.

  8. Serve as the teacher of the class in the event that the teacher is absent.


In keeping with the purpose of “discipling our children,” Navigators offers students aged 13 and up the opportunity to serve as a Leader in Training, or LIT. LIT’s may serve as classroom aides, on the setup/cleanup team, or in any other capacity deemed appropriate by the Leadership Team. Any student serving in an LIT capacity must commit to serve for the entire semester and is required to follow the same rules required of all aides (see Teacher’s Aide Responsibilities below) with the exception to teach in case of Teacher’s absence.

This is a great opportunity for teens to earn service hours as well as gain valuable experience serving others. The Leadership Team will publish a list of LIT service opportunities prior to each semester which will include deadlines for application. Any student who wishes to fill an LIT position must make their request, undergo a brief interview, and be approved by Leadership. Further training may be required as the position necessitates. A service hour letter will be presented at the end of each semester at the student’s request.


We are a family oriented co-op and welcome both parents to attend Navigators classes and events. Students benefit the most when we have a wide variety of talents and gifts utilized in our class offerings. Dads may teach their own classes, assist their wives, or substitute for their wives. If Dad will be on campus during the day, he should register for aide spots. Like all members, dads must also wear a name tag while on campus.


For students aged 15 and younger, a parent or guardian must be on campus at all times. Under certain circumstances registered students may be permitted to attend classes without a parent - if Leadership approval has been granted. In rare situations exceptions may be made to allow another registered member to be the “on-site guardian” for a child aged 15 or under who is not their own. Both the family of the student and the guardian must be registered members and a separate agreement will be signed by both parties.

Students who are 16 years of age or older may be permitted to attend co-op without a parent. Families desiring this option must receive permission from leadership prior to enrollment. In addition to the behavior policies listed for all students, teens should understand that they are their family ambassador while on campus and are also subject to the following behavior requirements.

  1. ** Teens and their parents will both be required to sign separate Policy and Procedure agreements and attend Orientation.**

  2. Each family must pay an additional fee of $50 per semester.

  3. Students driving themselves must drive responsibly on and near church grounds and should be respectful of their surroundings: no loud music, no vulgar music, obey slow speeds, and park only in member designated parking, etc. They should arrive on time and be prepared for their classes.

  4. Behavior should reflect the virtues of Christ. While the student is on campus unaccompanied, they should act in a way that is honorable.

  5. Boy-girl relationships among students are to be kept platonic in nature while attending co-op classes or other Navigators activities.

  6. Students may only be on campus for classes and official co-op functions. There is to be no loitering in vehicles, the parking lot or other areas of the property either before, during, or after co-op.

  7. Unaccompanied students may not serve as the guardian for another student. Ie- A 16 year old student may not bring his/her younger siblings to co-op.

Unaccompanied students who fail to comply with Navigators policies may be subjected to disciplinary action and required to be accompanied by a parent on campus for the remainder of the semester.  


For the protection of both parents and children, no adult should be alone with a child not his or her own. Bathroom procedures are as follows:

  1. Preschool and kinders teachers should schedule a regular bathroom break during class, or send a small group at a time with a helper. 

  2. The adult must leave the bathroom door propped if they must be in the bathroom with children (such as to help wash hands or clean up) or wait by the open bathroom door.

  3. The child should toilet him/herself, including entering the cubicle alone, wiping him/herself and pulling up his/her own underwear.

  4. Teachers may allow lower elementary students to go to the restroom with a buddy. Upper Elementary students and older may go to the restroom alone.

  5. Diapers should be changed in view of the second adult present. Do not take an infant or toddler to the bathroom to change the diaper, unless they are your own child.


If Baldwin County schools are closed due to inclement weather, classes will be canceled. If co-op must be canceled for any other last-minute emergency, we will make announcements on our Facebook page and through email. Canceled classes MAY be rescheduled at the discretion of the leadership team.

In the event of a fire alarm, the teachers and helpers will take their class directly and calmly out of the building through the nearest exit. All classes and parents will meet at the preplanned area as noted in each campus's fire policy. Teachers will take attendance, and if someone is missing, notify a Leadership Team member or another person of authority.